Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by John Conway. A player gives
an initial state, which then evolves according to a set of rules:
A "live cell" (white) with fewer than two live neighbours "dies" (turns black),
simulating underpopulation.
A live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, simulating overpopulation.
A dead cell with exactly three live neighbours revives live cell, simulating reproduction.
A live cell with exactly two or three live neighbours lives on.
- Click "Play/Pause" to begin and pause the animation
- Click "Step" to go to next stage of the grid
- Click "Clear" to remove all colored blocks from grid
Click "Reset" to reset current board and return to randomly
generated board.
- Drag or click on the grid to draw with your mouse.
- Use the slider to zoom in and out on the canvas.
Use the arrow keys (← → ↑ ↓) to pan around the canvas
when zoomed in.