Welcome to my CS projects!

Here are some of the things I've worked on.


I worked on this project the summer of 2022 for MIT's Beaverworks summer program. My team and I (a total of 5 people) built a game to simulate a zombie outbreak and implemented a Monte Carlo tree search model to play it.

Skills: Python, Reinforcement Learning, UI/UX


This was my final project for my Machine Learning class in high school. I trained a Convolutional Neural Network to recognize the art styles of 3 different artists. My motivation was to combat online art theft by making a tool that could identify a piece's original artist.

Skills: Python, Tensorflow


After solving LeetCode problem #289, I thought it would be fun to make my own clone of the cellular automaton. Check out my version here!

Skills: HTML, JavaScript, CSS


This project was an exercise in the book "Code as a Creative Medium," which was coauthored by Professor Golan Levin of CMU. I implemented a simple k-clustering algorithm to identify various colors in a given image and put them into a palette.

Skills: HTML, JavaScript, CSS